Are you trained, prepared, and equipped for 2025?
Seven questions to ensure mission success.
One of the best ways to set yourself up for success in 2025 is to analyze your mission and identify the training, preparation, and equipment you will need to accomplish your mission. Like Sun TZU said:
"Thus it is that in war the victorious strategist only seeks battle after the victory has been won, whereas he who is destined to defeat first fights and afterwards looks for victory." Sun Tzu
This is your last chance to grab the free five-day email series to help ensure that you are trained, prepared, & equipped for 2025 by developing a Navigation Plan. Forward it to anyone who could use some help achieving their 2025 resolutions.
Trained, Prepared, & Equipped
In early December 2001, I sat in a small building in Camp Rhino, Afghanistan, preparing to launch on a 130-mile route reconnaissance mission that would take us to the outskirts of Taliban-held Kandahar.
We briefed the Marine Expeditionary Unit Commander on the plan, and when we finished, he looked at the collected Force Recon Platoon and asked one question:
"Is there anything this mission will require of you that you’re not trained, prepared, or equipped to do?"
It is a great question. One of the missions, we were asked to plan for was a free-fall parachute jump into Tora Bora.
We were trained to execute it
We were prepared for it
But our free-fall parachutes were under a safety deadline caused by an equipment flaw.
We were not equipped to conduct the mission. We had to have parachutes quickly sent from the States (and the mission never happened.)
By asking the question, he forced us to consider the entire mission and its requirements and assess whether we possessed all we needed to accomplish it.
As you embark on your new year's missions, consider if you have the Training, Preparation, and Equipment necessary to achieve your 2025 goals by answering these seven questions:
- What is my mission?
- What Training do I need that I don't have?
- What Preparation do I need that I haven't done?
- What Equipment do I need to get?
- Where is the time coming from to execute my mission?
- What does my daily/weekly/monthly output need to be to accomplish it?
- What does mission accomplishment look like, and how will I know when I have achieved it?
If you can answer these seven questions, you’ll be able to identify the gaps in your planning and work to close those gaps through the training preparation and equipment you need for mission accomplishment.
Until next week,
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Walking Point with John Dailey