Issue 138 / 26 Dec 24
This is the last Walking Point of 2024. Big things are in store for 2025. As a free subscriber, you will always receive the weekly newsletter every Thursday morning.
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Walking Point with John Dailey
In over thirty-five years of serving in special operations and training those who still do, I’ve learned what separates... Read more
This is your last chance to finish the free five-day email series in time for the New Year to help you prepare to make 2025 your best year yet. Sign up here: Walking Point 2025 Nav Plan
Each email will provide daily prompts to help you develop a navigation plan to achieve your 2025 goals.
Please feel free to forward it to anyone who could use some help achieving their 2025 resolutions.
Keeping the main thing the main thing
When executing an operation in the military, it's critical to be clear about your mission.
Clarity is so important that I use it as the first "C" in my 5-C framework.
In the military, as in life, it is easy to get sidetracked by shiny things that can pull you away from accomplishing the mission you set out on.
This is what author Jim Rohn meant when he said, "Don't Major in Minor things."
In the coming year, it can be easy to look for quick wins or to fall for trends that give the perception of progress at the expense of mission accomplishment.
Just like on a recon patrol, it can be tempting to ambush an enemy patrol. While setting up the ambush would be rewarding, it would defeat the mission of providing reconnaissance on an enemy objective and remaining undetected.
If your goals for 2025 include fitness, you can accomplish them with sleep, exercise, and a balanced diet.
But it can be tempting to look to cold plunging, meat smoothies, and Bio-hacking as the shiny things to get you to your goal.
These things are sexy, exciting, and relatively easy to do.
And while they may not be bad, they are minor things. They won't get you to your objective, your major goal.
If you want to write a book, the major steps are reading, research, and writing.
Spending hours on Lit Tok or listening to author podcasts might be educational, but it will not get your book written.
So, whatever your mission is, identify the things that will move the needle and major in them.
Keep the main thing the main thing.
Until next year,
Keep Walking Point